Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Latest Obsession - Re-Ment Miniatures Toys!

OMG! I am seriously obsessed with miniature toys for the past week. I have been searching all over the web for pictures and collection of miniature toys. It really fascinates me how they could produce such a fine details on such a small toy. Most of the toys are life-like, and it look almost the same as the real ones. Except of course the size is way way smaller then the real. Often produce in scale with the real one to create the balance of other items.
One of the well known manufacturer of these miniatures toys non other than Re-Ment. I have been through all their collection of miniatures toys and it is really amazing that they could come up with all sort of miniatures toys. How i wish i could collect it all and display it nicely in a glass cabinet!

Re-ment's collection offers a large variety of different food, pets, house furniture and lots more. They usually sold in pack of 10 with different theme. One could mix and match to create new look. It also can be used to as accessories for Barbie, Blythe and other doll houses. If you have any doll house, the miniatures toys are definitely need to decorate it nicely. You could recreate the living room, kitchen, bedroom and toilet with the toys. Or maybe you could recreate a shop selling flower, market place, grocery store, school and many more. Endless of things you could do with these tiny toys. Only imagination would bring out the creativity in you!.
My personal favorite will be definitely the food item from Re-Ment. It offers a varieties of Japanese, Western, Bread, Cakes, Desserts and many many more. Again the tiny toys offers intricate details of the food that i really admires.
Looking for any shop selling it locally here! Hope to find it!

Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bread & Ice Cream Crochet Pattern!

Okay, i have to admit that i design this is purely because i like ice cream & bread. Who could resist the temptation of an ice cream? I am definitely not the one. So to make the ice cream & bread to last longer than usual, what's better than to crochet one myself.

My new pattern consists of 4 different ice cream types - namely Ice Cream cone, Triple Flavor Ice cream, Fruity Ice and Cornetto.

While my bread pattern consists of French Loaf, Braided Bread, Sausage Bun and Bread Slices. All my patterns are available in & ebay.

Still working on my other pattern, hope to post it here soon!

Monday, September 8, 2008

HOW TO make paper flower?

I learned how to make this flower a few years back when i am still in secondary school. I do love Origami at that time, simply amazing to see a plain paper transformed into delicately fold object. The art Origami could be divided into several level of difficulty. Well, i may only fit into the medium level i guess. I have seen those really really complicated ones!

Still remember that i used to make this flower with 2 of my best friend in college, we used to make hundred of them and put into a huge bouquet. Sadly i did not have any picture of that. I really did enjoyed and miss all those happy moment together!

Enough of stories, this is how you make the flower. Things needed are paper (A4), ruler, scissors and pencil.

Step 1: Fold the paper into triangle as shown in the picture. This is to get a square out of it.

Step 2: Fold the remaining of the end as per picture shown.
Step 3: Cut out the below unwanted part, leaving the square behind. Fold into half.
Step 4: Fold again into half to become a smaller square.

Step 5: Open the fold of step 4, find the middle point of the paper and using the point as centre to fold into 3 equal part as shown in the picture.
Step 6: Draw a line from one end of the paper to another end.
Step 7: Cut out the down part, leaving the triangle paper behind.
Step 8: Using the scissors, cut a slight curve at the line in Step 7. This will make the needed shape of paper for the flower.

Step 9: Open the paper, fold into half as shown in the picture.
Step 10: Open the flap inside to create 3 different flap as shown.
Step 11: Open each flap and fold into the position as shown in the picture.
Step 12: Fold the second flap as Step 11.
Step 13: Repeat Step 11. Picture shown all 3 flap has been folded. Now you have 6 smaller flap
Step 14: Open the small flap again, and fold as shown in picture.
Step 15: Repeat the same for the remaining 5 flap. Picture shown completed flap.
Step 16: Fold the upper corners of both side inwards as shown in the picture.

Step 17: Open the fold and pull down the middle part as shown in the picture.

Step 18: Then, fold the flap up.
Step 19: Fold both side of the flap inwards as shown in the picture.
Step 20: Repeat for all the remaining flap. Completed flap is shown in the picture.

Step 21: The flower is completed. Open up the flower by curling up the petal.
For more attractive flower, you may opt to add the filament in the center of flower by attach it to a stem (usually wires). You may also add leave by wrapping the stem with green floral tape.

Try it yourself!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My new Etsy store!

I have always wanted to have my own shop selling whatever i like. Unfortunately, i do not have enough capital nor time to make it happen. Opening a business is not as easy as it looks. Apart from a huge capital investment, one needs to devote time and effort to ensure that the business is running smoothly. I have seen those making lots of money from their business and also seen those that are not as successful. A lot of factors need to be taken into consideration, which also determine the success of the business.

Being in the age of technology, i do like the idea of opening a virtual shop online where one can sell almost anything that they like with minimum cost. Having a full time job means that i have limited time to spend. So the idea of online store seems to really suit my needs.

I stumbled across Etsy's website in a true coincidence. Being an ardent fan of DIY and handmade stuff, Etsy provide the perfect place for me to sell my own creation. Unlike other similar sites, that chargeable for opening an online store, Etsy's store is totally free of charge. Even for listing an item will cost minimal. It is a perfect place for people who wants to make some money from their handmade things.

I have just started my store a few days ago, the response seems good. Listed a few items mainly crochet pattern for sale in my store. I will design more patterns and will be adding more and more in future.

Those who wanted to visit my store, can do so at

Happy Selling!