Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's Tea Time with Strawberry Tea Set !

This time i have come up with a whole set of strawberry themed tea set. Inclusive of a teapot, tea cup and a plate of strawberry cake. It also comes with a strawberry themed plate and spoon!

Pattern available in my Etsy, Ebay, Ravelry and Dawanda stores.

Happy Crocheting everyone!


Snowcatcher said...

That is simply adorable!!!

Rae "Heavenly Stuffed" said...

It look so 'delicious' and cute! A wonderful idea, great job. I particularly like how you used the strawberry parfait. Mmmm!

Artesania Obdulia said...

That is spectacular!!! very beatiful!

K4TT said...

I mean absolutely STUNNING!!
Excellent work!!!

Idas kreativa said...

LOVLEY!!! :)

Ieva said...

It looks great!