Friday, January 1, 2010

Take a Pic Using this!

I have been out of internet connection for the past one week. I couldn't check my mail, could not list my item, could not relist my item, could not reply my mail, unable to update my FB, in short life was miserable. Numerous calls have been made every other day to my service provider to beg them to restore the connection. As i expected, it has been a major 'problem' that cannot be solved in short period of time. I was informed that the fiber optic cable that connects to my home was some how 'broken' unknown of a reason. Was still wondering how it could happen...assuming that was the real problem. Now, thanks to miracle i am back on the internet again.

During my off-internet time, i found that i have plenty time on hand. This makes me realise that i did spend an large amount of time being online. So i crochet something that i always wanted but could not really afford to buy at this point of time.. a DSLR Camera. I always think that having such a camera is really cool. Yes, indeed it is cool. But the features of these cameras is much more cooler. Think of precise color in photos taken and the great intricate details these cameras can capture, makes it a must buy item in future.

For the time being, i will be satisfied with my crochet version of the camera and my mini tripod. Oh, by the way, this pic was taken by a Canon 7.1 Mp Digital Camera. My best friend and helper for now!

Happy New Year Everyone and Keep Crocheting!


Snowcatcher said...

This is my most favorite of everything you've designed! AWESOME!!!

Engra said...

beautiful things!!

sumwin said...

I like this camera.. awesome